Sunday, September 30, 2007


OK, folks. It's time to come clean with everything. We didn't drive to Chicago; we flew. And we didn't go directly to the Second City; we stopped in Seattle first for some outdoor adventure. If you don't believe me, just look at the pictures:

While waiting for takeoff Robin discovered that there was no beverage service on our flight to Seattle.

While staying in Seattle, Robin took advantage of the Kayaking scene. Here she is just finishing up with a class 99 rapid.

We took a moment to pause and get our picture taken in front of the beautiful Seattle skyline. Seattle is a beautiful city, but those gigantic pillars outside of town really detract from its pristine nature.

Just kidding! We spent most of our day hanging out at the Museum of Science and Industry, and we had a splendorific day. The kids flew F-35 flight simulators, drove a German U-boat, learned a little about mummification, hired on in a coal mine, and did some snowboarding and skiing.

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